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Tumult of Liberty

Tumult of Liberty

By: Rufus King

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

- Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

February 24th, 2022, Russia Invades Ukraine, Russian forces began precision attacks on Ukraine civilian and military targets. Vladimir Putin has justified his designs stating that Ukraine, Georgia, Estonia and as such — are parts of Russia stolen from the motherland as a result of communist machinations.

“Radicals and nationalists, including and primarily those in Ukraine, are taking credit for having gained independence. As we can see, this is absolutely wrong,” he says. “The disintegration of our united country was brought about by the historic, strategic mistakes on the part of Bolshevik and Soviet leaders ... the collapse of the historical Russia known as the USSR is on their conscience.”

Westerners are not being told the whole story, when are we ever? No, I am not condoning Putin's invasion, but I simply want you to do your own research apart from Mainstream Indoctrination. Donetsk, Odessa, Luhansk and Donbas have historical validation, values pertinent to Putin's view of Russian Nationalism.

Ukrainian firearm ownership is considered "may issue" with the Order No.622 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Handguns are illegal, except for "target shooting," concealed carry permits are used "in Service." May-Issue concealed carry permits are similar to the regulations of New York City, where permits are refused unless imminent life-threatening circumstances can be proven. Firearms are subject to licensure and Ukrainians "may be" issued a license if they "have good reason," haven't a criminal record, meet age restrictions, aren't domestic abusers or history of mental illness. Black market firearms are quite prolific, according to Georgy Uchaikin, Ukrainian Association of Gun Owners or UAGO. UAGO fights for the legal right to bear arms, lobbying for gun ownership in Ukraine as opposed to the corrupt "May-Issue" order. "Awarded Guns" demonstrate the discriminatory nature of his country's gun policies, according to Uchaikin.

"What’s the difference how the bribe looks, whether it’s dollars or a pistol?” Uchaikin says. “It’s a frightening scheme.” Uchaikin estimates Ukrainian authorities have handed out 50,000 weapons to members of the elite since independence in 1991 in a state that is otherwise hostile to gun ownership. So unsympathetic of gun rights is the Ukrainian "Order" that there are an estimated 5 million illegal firearms in possession, of which include automatic weapons and military ordnance.

As we have already witnessed, the Ukrainian government has repealed the civilian restrictions on firearms, calling on Ukrainians to physically bear arms against the Russian invasion. Overnight, citizens are expected to be proficient at arms, not only in defense of their own families and property but the Ukrainian land and government as well. The natural ability to bear arms defines nothing pertinent to sporting, hunting, collecting or sometimes permitted if deemed worthy. NO, it delineates justification to own equal arms and armament to counter any oppressive force.

As we repeatedly have seen, hypocritical rhetoric prevails amongst the liberal narrative, and all of a sudden, it's fashionable to "support" armed defense. As we continue our battle against gun control, the leftist crowd is cheering Ukrainian patriots. I implore you to take this opportunity and relentlessly petition your representatives in government, there's never been a more opportunistic time than Right Now to expose the fallacy. Apathy is unacceptable in today's environment, remember the Boston Tea Party happened because of 3 pennies. Joe Biden's ATF is Our Lexington... "Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty." said Jefferson along with the Latin exclamation, "Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem." Translated, "I prefer the tumult of liberty to the quiet of servitude."

"How little do my countrymen know what precious blessings they are in possession of, and which no other people on earth enjoy!"

-Thomas Jefferson.

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