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I get so tired of people who don't even understand our government type crying about saving it, and people who do understand it represent it as saving something that it is something it's not. America is NOT a democracy. It was NEVER meant to be a democracy. Our founders thought about creating a democracy and specifically promised to NOT CREATE a democracy. Our Constitution guarantees us a REPUBLICAN government, even the pledge of allegiance says "And to our Republic, for which it stands." We are not, have never been, nor should we ever consider becoming a democracy. A democracy is essentially mob rule. If 51% vote to kill everyone with blue eyes, it's law, period. A republic comes with the checks and balances, protections on any one person or group gaining too much power, it's why we are a government of the people enshrined with rights and protections. It's why we have the electoral college, to spread the power even to the smallest states, it's why when a law is created, the courts can look at it and strike it down if it violates our rights, it's why we even have minorities, it's why we have a Constitution complete with protected rights. Democracy is romanticized, but it is not this wonderful thing people think it is, it's literally mob rule. When our founders made this country, they looked at the greatest Republic in history, Rome, and tweaked it to prevent the empire that followed when a single man gained power. They took Rome, and made checks and balances to prevent the same dictatorship that inevitably comes from man, of which we all are and are all inheritably flawed. Stop comparing this wonderful Republic to such a destructive inherently evil yet wonderful sounding thing like Democracy. It's all part of the power-grab we see now, they get away with terrible evil things and taking our freedoms because they must "protect our democracy" when democracy itself validates what they are trying to do. Let's stick with our actual government type, that comes complete with a check on the power they are attempting to acquire through democracy which allows them power if 51 out of 100 people think they should have it. We are America, a Constitutional Federal Republic, we reject democracy here.

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Good Job Braden , lots to think about !! I’m in Commy Ct. n my Rep’s n Senators don’t Care !! This state sucks, how can so many people disagree !!!! Patrick ✌️🙀

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True... well done!

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You write "protest last year in DC, which was marred by the sophomoric and illegal actions of the few." Are you kidding Daily Wire? This seems to me a RINO-type capitulation of First Amendment rights. This article is effectively "carrying water" for the left. It was a setup to entrap patriots, who have been held in terrible conditions as political prisoners for a year now.

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