Second Press
Second Press Podcast
Unhinged, unloaded, and unbelievable

Unhinged, unloaded, and unbelievable

By: Rufus King

Unhinged, unloaded, and unbelievable

By: Rufus King

"We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid. "

   -Benjamin Franklin.

   People become the accumulation of learning and experience. What knowledge is taught and acquired differs greatly from one person to the next. All of which is brought about through societal environments, parentage, religion and peers. Today, people as a whole have the ability to learn as never historically seen before.  However, that proliferation of knowledge is easily manipulated. Biased search engines and blatant censorship are abundant. Look no further than YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Google for verification. Therein lay the issues at hand, because the youth and the easily subjugated are influenced by the tweeting fakebook faculty. If you disagree go ahead and google it for yourself.

   This is not an expose about corruption in the world of media and technology, I simply want you to be aware of the current exacting direction these sources are navigating. Free thinking, self-reliance, and logic are not prevalent to their narrative. Dominion, clout, regimentation and subjection are predominantly their motivation. All of which simply designate to control. Manipulate people to gain wealth and power, nothing more, nothing new.

   Targeting teens and young adults in the Tech Savvy 21st Century has proven to be lucrative for both monetary and indoctrination reasons. The exploitation of tragic events, a staple diet from the media, has become even more directed at our youth. Here at The Second Press we are time and again highlighting the fallacious narrative of the Gun Control Advocacies, the media and the power-driven politicians. Of which these

sources consistently beguile their audience through skewed data, blatant fear mongering and oftentimes outright lies.

   "We're flipping the script on the gun culture. Choose to be unloaded." Headlines on the Project Unloaded (PU) website. Unloaded is a self-proclaimed anti-gun advocacy, a non-profit directed at teens and young adults. Immediately PU attempts to exploit fear utilizing skewed statistics from the Gun Violence Archive (GVU) stating that "firearms are the leading cause of death among children and teens." In my article "Mass Hysteria" I refute the GVA's supposed statistics showing how their tallied numbers include adults and gangland violence while indiscriminately bloating the numbers of incidents. PU also proclaims, "it's simple, guns make us less safe", and yet another gun control ploy we have proven a fallacy here at The Second Press.  Langley Outdoors Academy has multiple videos on armed citizen defenders, and I've written "Everyday Samaritans" with in-depth statistical verification of which clearly refutes such claims. Safer Not Using Guns, or SNUG is PU's current campaign. They proclaim firearms equate to less safety for every feasible demographic. From Indigenous peoples to LGBTQ, blacks, Asians, men and women, homeless and of course young people are supposedly unsafe in a society with firearms. PU substantiates these false claims with direct links to multiple control advocates like Violence Policy Center, Gun Violence Archive, and many other self-proclaimed gun epidemic professionals like Everytown, Moms Demand Action and Gifford’s. PU is linking their "facts" in every demographical case from the above-mentioned sources as if there are no other forms of data or statistics, as if they were directly quoting irrefutable Gospels. Project Unloaded states that 75% of young people believe that firearms attribute to a safer environment, which seems coming from them to be a rarity of honesty. Considering the actual outcome of citizen defender incidents overwhelmingly out number homicidal situations. Please refer to the Heritage Foundation's Defensive Gun Uses database for irrefutable proof.

Project Unloaded virtue signals directly to today's youth with catch phrases like SNUG and specifically, "URRLYSNUGHTX" "" "I'M SNUG AF". PU is using trendy YouTube influencers, young people, tech speaking public address announcements. They are called "Influencers" for good reason, we all have our favorite YouTube personalities, however what if Colion Noir had made a slew of tic-tocs shorts asking teens if they were STRAPPED? "We're all Safer STRAPPED" "YOUSTRAPPED?" "I'M STRAPPED AF" " know some fools who waits 2 hours for Five-0, not me, YOUSTRAPPED?" Colion would end up literally burnt at the stake but not for the likes of the Project Unloaded.

   In a society where Fully, Semi and Mostly Peaceful are common colloquially, blatant brainwashing from likes of Project Unloaded really is not so unbelievable. Community Standards are used for censorship, not neighbors helping neighbors. Where media isn't reporting "news" but just reading a constant repetitive narrative, eventually deceit becomes truth.

   "We are not afraid to follow any truth wherever it may lead, nor to tolerate any error so long as reason is left free to combat it."

   Thomas Jefferson.

Second Press
Second Press Podcast
A digital pamphlet for the advancement of the second Amendment